UK Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

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in the development of autonomous weapons systems.

Latest news

Statement at the start of a new Parliament 58
Statement at the start of a new ParliamentJuly 9, 2024We welcome the new Labour government and the commitments within its manifesto to strengthen the UK position on the world stage, using our  positiRead More
New Report on the Governance of Artificial Intelligence 67
New Report on the Governance of Artificial IntelligenceMay 28, 2024The Science, Innovation, and Technology Select Committee released its new report on the Governance of artificial intelligence today. The report highliRead More
Open letter to the Secretary of State for Defence on the UN Secretary General’s report on Autonomous Weapons Systems 55
Open letter to the Secretary of State for Defence on the UN Secretary General’s report on Autonomous Weapons SystemsMay 23, 2024To: Rt Hon Grant Shapps MP, Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence On 1 November 2023, the UN General Assembly’s First Committee voted forRead More
Ministerial Statement on Seoul AI Conference 77
Ministerial Statement on Seoul AI ConferenceMay 23, 2024On Wednesday, Ministers from more than 28 nations met in Seoul for the second ministerial conference on AI safety. The summit, co-hosted by the UK andRead More

in Universities

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UK CSKR in tech

Seeking out tech workers and companies as allies. 


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Watch the 'Immoral Code'

The Immoral Code is a documentary that contemplates the impact of Killer Robots in an increasingly automated world – one where machines make decisions over who to kill or what to destroy.