UK Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

We work to obtain the UK Government's support for an international treaty that:
a) prohibits autonomous weapons that cannot be meaningfully controlled and those that target humans
b) regulates other autonomous weapons to ensure meaningful human control over the use of force

We are a member of the global Stop Killer Robots campaign - a coalition of over 180 organisations working across more than 60 countries

Latest news

Why the new UK government should support a treaty on autonomous weapons

If the new Labour government is really committed to international law and multilateral arms control, it should support the international negotiation of a new treaty to control the development and use of autonomous weapons systems, argues Elizabeth Minor. The new UK Labour government has identified the international rule of law, reinvigorating alliances, and forging new partnerships as key elements of its foreign policy vision. The UK now has a Foreign Secretary who has committed to turning a new leaf and putting the international rule of law at the heart of Britain’s foreign policy, and a Defence Secretary who has promised to “lead moves in the UN to negotiate new multilateral arms controls and rules of conflict for space, cyber and AI”. It is hard to imagine a policy that aligns more closely with these priorities than supporting the international negotiation of a new legally binding instrument on autonomous weapons systems. According to the International Committee of the

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