First round of government talks on killer robots begin at UN
At a meeting of the UN Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW), states have begun a first round of discussions on ‘lethal autonomous weapons systems’, also known as killer robots, in
At a meeting of the UN Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW), states have begun a first round of discussions on ‘lethal autonomous weapons systems’, also known as killer robots, in
During a recent event hosted by the All-Party Parliamentary Groups on the UN and on Drones, UN Special Rapporteur Ben Emmerson QC spoke of the growing trend towards autonomy in
PRESS RELEASE ON BEHALF OF UK MEMBERS OF THE CAMPAIGN TO STOP KILLER ROBOTS: The world moved a step closer to outlawing killer robots today after states agreed to start
During the 2013 session of the General Assembly’s First Committee, a number of states publicly raised the issue of fully autonomous weapons for the first time. The increased attention to
On 30 May, the United Nations Human Rights Council for the first time ever debated the challenges posed by lethal autonomous robotics (LARs) or ‘killer robots’. The debate was in